company - KE-Schweißen
Kondensatorentladungs-Widerstandsschweißen mit einem Hochstromimpuls, Schweißzeit ca. 10 ms, Vorteile für viele Anwendungen bei denen es auf hohe Güte der Schweißung ankommt.
Widerstandsschweissen, Buckelschweissen, Einpressschweißen, Kondensatorentladungsschweissen, Impulsschweissen, Laserschweissen, Elektronenstrahlschweissen, Kohlenstoffstahl, Sintermetall, Impuls-Schweisstechnik, Resistance Welding, Projection Welding, Capacitor Discharge Welding, CD Welding, Puls Welding, Laser Welding, Electron-Beam Welding, Carbonised Steel, Sintered Metal, Pulse-Welding Technology, KE-Schweissen
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Competence & Experience

GLAMAtronic specializes in capacitor discharge welding and has established itself as a competent partner for a wide range of industries thanks to more than 27 years of experience in welding system.


Our know-how,
your added value

We generate our technological knowledge in the field of CD welding technology through our long-standing staff, which takes care of the most complex tasks with committed dedication. Our team bundles well-founded knowledge in the fields of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, mechatronics and IT.


ISO-certificate 9001:2015

Patent EP

CD press fit welding

Patent DE

Tools CD press fit welding

Our test department will be happy to assist you professionally with the implementation of new projects.

Our test department will be happy to assist you professionally with the implementation of new projects.



Formation of the company

GLAMAtronic Schweiß- und Anlagentechnik GmbH by Dipl.‑Ing. Hans Josef Kniat und Dipl.‑Ing. Reinhard Schwarz


Rise and first steps

Back in the 1990´s welding with CD technology was not yet well established in the industry. Hans-Josef Kniat had at that time gained many years of experience with this technology. In order to be able to carry out developments, test and prototype welding for our customers, mainly from the automotive sector, two welding systems were built once the company was founded.



We were able to convince our customers very quickly of the advantages of CD welding. In 2000 we moved into our new production facility at Am Wiesenbusch 20, 45966 Gladbeck, which we expanded after a short time again.


GLAMAtronic Produktionstechnik GmbH

In 2001 we founded the GLAMAtronic Produktionstechnik GmbH. Here we offer our customers contract manufacturing.



Due to the constantly increasing space requirements, we expanded our company by another manufacturing facility. We established our laboratory in the new accomodation, which enables us to carry out extensive process development and welding tests. This part of our company also houses our contract manufacturing GLAMAtronic Produktionstechnik GmbH, Am Wiesenbusch 18, 45966 Gladbeck.


Succession planning

Dr.‑Ing. Philipp Schütte as managing director and partner. Company founder Dipl.-Ing. Hans-Josef Kniat becomes an consulting partner.



The existing building is expanded. Additional assembly space and a new central warehouse pave the way for the future.

Our philosophy

Open and honest consultation to our customers on welding issues

Welding verification and tests in our laboratory

Sale of machines and systems as well as services at fair prices

Design and assembly according to the highest quality standards

Qualified suppliers with long-term business relationships

Compliance with the promised delivery dates

Consulting, service and support during the entire machine lifetime by highly motivated, technically well-trained employees

International market orientation


GLAMAtronic Produktionstechnik GmbH
Am Wiesenbusch 18, D-45966 Gladbeck
Gesellschafter: Dipl.-Ing. Hans-Josef Kniat / Dipl.-Ing. Reinhard Schwarz

GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
Hornstraße 19, D-45964 Gladbeck
Gesellschafter: Dipl.-Ing. Reinhard Schwarz / Dipl.-Kauffrau Barbara Schröder


GLAMAtronic Produktionstechnik GmbH
Am Wiesenbusch 18, D-45966 Gladbeck
Gesellschafter: Dipl.-Ing. Hans-Josef Kniat / Dipl.-Ing. Reinhard Schwarz

Internet: GLAMAtronic Produktionstechnik

GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
Hornstraße 19, D-45964 Gladbeck
Gesellschafter: Dipl.-Ing. Reinhard Schwarz / Dipl.-Kauffrau Barbara Schröder



MAK Ruhr- Maschinen- und Anlagenbau Kompetenz
Wir sind Mitglieder eines Kompetenzkreises aus der Region Ruhr. Dieser bietet innovative Komplettlösungen rund um den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau. Der Kompetenzkreis besteht aus mittelständischen Unternehmen, die gemeinsam umfangreiche Kompetenzen aus und für den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau anbieten. Besuchen Sie den Kompetenzkreis Ruhr unter:


Schuh Anlagentechnik GmbH
Erinstraße 9, D-44575 Castrop-Rauxel
