high energy pulse
Optimized process parameters
New technologies to weld joints
that previously could not be welded with CD
or resistance welding.
The energy released into the joint is be regulated to prevent
over heating and weld expulsion.
A complex technology that is easy to use
with an intuitive user interface.
Welding with high energy pulse made flexible
Modulation of
discharge . . .
pre- pulse + modulated
transition pulse
decreasing and
rising + discharge
Modulation of
discharge . . .
pre- pulse + modulated
transition pulse
decreasing and
rising + discharge
CDflex allows multiple energy pulses.
The welding discharge can be stopped for lowest heat input.
The welding time can be set as desired to optimize heat input.
CDflex allows multiple energy pulses.
The welding discharge can be stopped for lowest heat input.
The welding time can be set as desired to optimize heat input.
• Compact Layout
• 1.300 V Technic
• Variable current characteristics
• Pulsed current
• Avoid saturation of transformer
• Simulation of weld parameters
• User-friendly parameter setting
Further new
developments …
Welding of large diameters